A technology university in Finland provides courses to high schoolers
Lappeenranta University of Technology is providing Junior University courses to high school students. The collaboration between LUT and high schools is expected to deepen in the coming years as the courses expand to all schools in the city.
Participation is open to all high schoolers and the aim is to give students a feel for University level studies. In addition they will get receive study credits worth of one high school course. Should participants pursue technology studies at LUT in the future, the course will be credited there as well.
The collaboration has cultivated other forms of collaboration as well. The company ABB and the Mathematical Subjects Union together created a special industry classroom that is visited by over 800 high school students each year. Another example are day classes for sustainable business development for the youngsters.
The Junior University program will be formalised by extending it to all schools in the Lappeenranta region. In the future LUT researchers could also hold individual classes at the local highschools and laboratory spaces could also be shared between the seats of learning.
Source: Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto kurssittaa jo nyt monen maakunnan lukiolaisia