News from Finland in English

Apple acquires Finnish sleep tracking startup Beddit

The american consumer electronics giant Apple has bought the Finnish sleep and wellbeing metering startup Beddit. The move bolsters the company's position in the booming health industry.

Beddit announced the purchase subtly in an update to their their privacy policy. The change has been done on Monday May 8th 2017 and now states that all of the information collected by the Beddit applications will be used by Apple going forward.

Beddit is a rather established company being in operation since 2006. Their flagship product is a thin sensor that tracks users sleep. This sensor is then connected to a smartphone application that follows sleep, movement, heart activity as well as breathing. Terms of sale or the price of the acquisition is not disclosed.

Each morning the Beddit application provides a quick sleep analysis of the previous night. Based on this information it gives you practical advice to improve sleep quality, recovery from sports activity, loosing weight and stress control.

Written by Janita on Wednesday May 10, 2017
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