News from Finland in English

City of Vantaa in Finland provides free contraception for residents under 20

Vantaa, the fourth largest city in Finland, will start providing free contraception for residents under twenty. Starting from March 1st 2018 free prevention materials are provided to the young to improve sexual health and reduce the number of abortions and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

The nationwide THL organization recommends providing free contraception for citizens of 20-years-old or less. The southern city of Vantaa wants to confirm to this recommendation, and the results are detailed in a research paper published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Other cities are considering following the free contraceptive recommendation from the Finnish National Institute for Health And welfare. These include Espoo and Kauniainen, and the research results from Vantaa encourage this as the conclusion on the study lead by professor Oskari Heikinheimo is that free contraception results in lower cost to the society.

In Vantaa Birth control related matters are handled in prevention and family planning centres. From these locations free hormonal contraception as well as condoms will be provided. Condoms are also distributed free of cost in schools and student healthcare facilities.

According to Eija Väänänen from the City of Vantaa the need and form of prevention is evaluated together with a professional. Possible forms of contraception provided are birth control pills, contraceptive rings and patches, long term contraceptives and condoms.

Young residents who want to start using the free service is directed call the prevention and family planning centres (open from 10:00 to 12:30, tel. +358-9-839-50030). There the customer is given a meeting time, where the planning and directions for birth control planning are given. Once a plan is in place preventional materials can picked up from multiple locations.

Locations and contact details for the distribution centres are available from the city website: Vantaa Contraception and Family Planning Clinics

Source: Vantaa tarjoaa kokonaan ilmaisen ehkäisyn alle 20-vuotiaille – hyödyistä tutkittua tietoa

Written by Janita on Saturday February 24, 2018
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