News from Finland in English

Finnish Driving School Decorates Car with Nyan Cat, Trollface, Hello kitty...

The Driving School Epic in Finland has taken up a habit of decorating it's cars with popular internet memes such as Nyan Cat, Trollface as well as other popular culture items.

Good marketing that brings smiles on the faces in morning traffic and acts as a useful notice to fellow drivers as well. 5/5.

Here are some of the cars they've got in use now:

#rataleka #lexus #is200 #lukkoperä #ratakäyttöön #liukkaankelinopetusta #ajokortti #autokoulu #epicautokoulu

A photo posted by Epic Autokoulu (@epicautokoulu) on

More of the same on the Epic Instagram.

Written by Janita on Thursday June 2, 2016
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