News from Finland in English

Uber shuts down in Finland

The ride sharing service Uber has ceased operations in Finland for now. The company has been operating in the Nordic country for some years, and during this time has been facing controversy.

In a public announcement the company states that it is stopping service in August 2017, but also says that the company can return to the market in 2018 when new legislation for transport services is in place.

The announcement comes a week after a Finnish court order seized some 246,000 Euros worth of personal assets of Uber's Finnish Country Manager Joel Järvinen. The reasoning for this being illegal operation of transportation services.

Now Järvinen states that the company expects the new legislation to make it more feasible for the company and it's ride sharing platform to operate in the market in 2018. According to Uber, the new law will significantly advance adoption of new transport services and digitalization. Earlier this year an even more radical reform failed to pass, but even the more moderate renewal opens up the taxi market.

Uber's licensed service UberBLACK will continue operating in Helsinki, as it is considered as regular taxi service. According to Järvinen Uber is committed to supporting hundreds of UberPOP drivers that will no longer earn by driving for Uber. Details on what this support is not detailed.

Uber has been operating in Finland since 2014, but has faced significant resistance in the market with police investigating Uber drivers. Driving for Uber without a taxi license is currently considered to be against the current laws.

More about Uber in Finland:

Written by Janita on Thursday July 6, 2017
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