News from Finland in English

The worlds largest sauna heats up in Espoo, Finland

Technology students in Espoo started preparations for mayday already this saturday by going to the sauna. The largest sauna in the world was heating up at five PM and in the first hour there had been over two hundred visitors in the hot room.

The 300 square meter space also heated fast as after a few rounds of water to the stove the temperature was over 70 degrees Celsius. It is heated by a whopping 4000 kilogram stove and the team who had been working on the sauna estimated that the sauna can hold around three hundred visitors at once.

The students aim to claim the Guinness book of records of the largest sauna to Finland. At the moment it the largest recorded sauna is in the German city of Sinsheim with fits 160 people at one. Apparently the Finnish navy school has a sauna that fits 200 people, but it has not been entered to the record books.

In addition the navy sauna is not open for public, it's only open for the students and faculty. Where as the Otaniemi sauna, is open for all during the mayday weekend next week from 17 to 24 PM.

Written by Janita on Sunday April 24, 2016
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